Zinc Hydroxide and Phosphate Adsorption


Feb 4, 2023 , ,

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Zinc hydroxide is an ionic compound that consists of one oxygen and one hydrogen atom. It has the chemical symbol OH and has a valence of two. It is a common component of water, which contains both oxygen and hydrogen.

It can be prepared by a reaction of zinc chloride or zinc sulfate with sodium hydroxide solution. The resulting compound is white and odorless, with the appearance of a precipitate.

The valency of Zn in zinc hydroxide is two and the oxidation state is +2. This chemical has a pH of 8.88.

Amphoterism: It reacts as an acid or as a base depending on what substances it is combined with.

The chemical nature of Zn(OH)2 can be described as amphoteric: it reacts as an acid or as a neutral acid when combined with a strong base and vice versa. This property makes zinc hydroxide an important ingredient in many chemical processes and it finds numerous applications in industry and in our daily lives.

Phosphate Adsorption: LZH exhibits a high phosphate adsorption capacity over a wide range of pH values, and is able to remove more than 50% of the initial phosphate concentration within 60 s of contact time. The adsorption capacity of the material is dependent on the contact time, pH, LZH dose, and the presence of co-existing ions.

XPS characterization was performed on LZH before phosphate adsorption, after phosphate adsorption, and after regeneration with both acetic acid and sodium hydroxide solutions. The pristine LZH sample showed a Zn 3s signal at 140 eV and no P-related signal was detected in the 128-133 eV binding energy range.

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