What is Zinc Sulfide


Sep 7, 2023

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Zinc Sulfide:

Its chemical formula is ZnS. Its molecular weight, 134.72. It is created by interacting through ionic interactions with zinc ions, (Zn2+), and sulfur ions, (S2-). The sulfur ions form a regular tetrahedron in which the zinc ion sits in the middle. In contrast, the ion sulfur is found in the center of the tetrahedron. This structure can also be described as a face centered cubic crystal system where zinc and sulfur are positioned at the vertex of the lattice and at the center of the face.

Zinc Sulfide (also known as Zinc Sulfide) is an insoluble, white solid. It is not soluble in water. However, it is soluble with bases and acids. Zinc sulfide’s density is 3.98 g/cc, with a melting point of 1350 degrees C. and an optimal boiling temperature of 1600 degrees C. It is also very transparent and has a good optical transmission. Its chemical properties are stable but under certain circumstances it can react. zinc Sulfide is oxidized by an oxidizing substance to produce zinc sulfate. In an environment that is alkaline, zinc sulfide will react with hydroxide molecules to produce zinc hydroxide.

Application Of Zinc Sulfide

Zinc sulfide, also known as zinc sulfur, is a significant compound. The unique crystal structure and chemical and physical characteristics of zinc sulfide have made it a widely used compound in numerous fields. We will discuss the various applications of zinc sulfide.

1. Manufacturers of phosphor

Zinc Sulfide is a widely used phosphor, particularly in the production of fluorescent screens. It also has many applications for fluorescent lamps. Zinc sulfide, used in the manufacture of fluorescent screens, can be made into phosphors, which can then emit various colors when they are excited by external lights. In the manufacture of fluorescent lamps, zinc-sulfide also makes phosphors which emit visible light upon being excited by ultraviolet radiation.

2. Manufacturing of photoelectric conversion materials

Zinc Sulfide, a material important for photoelectric conversion, can also be used in the manufacture of solar cells. Zinc sulfide converts light energy into electrical power in solar cells. The photoelectric efficiency of zinc sulfide, combined with its low cost, makes it a material that has wide applications.

3. Drug Manufacturing

Zinc Sulfide, because of its biological activity has certain applications in pharmaceutical production. Zinc sulfide is used in the manufacture of anti-malarials, like zinc sulfate, and zinc acetate. zincsulfide may also be used for the production of preservatives or fungicides.

4. catalyst manufacturing

Zinc sulfide can act as a catalyst for the creation of other compounds like zinc acetate, Acetone and methylisobutylketone. Zinc sulfur is a highly active and selective catalyst in manufacturing.

5. Optical device manufacturing

Due to its high transparency, zinc sulfur is used widely in optical devices. Zinc sulfide is used, for instance, in optical fiber communication to produce optical fiber preforms. Additionally, zinc sulfide may be used to make optical devices like optical Windows and lenses.

Method of Production of Zinc Sulfide

1. Method of chemical precipitation

The chemical precipitation method is the most common way to prepare zinc sulfide. The zinc sulfide was obtained by mixing zinc salt with sulfur salt in solution.

Preparation Solution: Dissolve a suitable amount of zinc salt and sulfur salt into water to create a solution.

Precipitation reaction : the above solution is heated in stirring conditions and an appropriate amount precipitating agent is then added to precipitate both zinc ions (and sulfur ions) to generate zinc-sulfide precipitation.

Filtration : The reaction is filtered in order to obtain a filtrate that contains zinc-sulfide precipitation.

Cleaning: The filtered precipitation of zinc sulfide is cleaned with alcohol in order to remove impurities.

Drying: After washing the zinc sulfide it is precipitated then dried to get zinc sulfide.

Chemical precipitation is easy to do, inexpensive, and produces a product of high purity. The disadvantages of this method are that it requires many detergents and precipitating agents. Also, the waste liquid generated must be further processed before being discharged, which can cause environmental pollution.

2. Synthesis of solid phases at high temperatures

Traditional methods for the preparation of zinc sulfide include high-temperature solid phase reactions. A solid reaction between zinc oxide or sulfur-containing elements and zinc at high temperature produced the powder.

Ingredients: To make raw materials, the appropriate amount of carbon powder, zinc oxide powder, and sulfur dioxide powder is mixed.

Pretreatment – The raw materials undergo a pretreatment at high temperature to ensure that all components react and generate zinc and sulfur vapour.

Synthesis: Zinc and sulfur are combined at high temperature to form zinc sulfide.

The zinc sulfide synthetic powder is collected.

The high-temperature, solid-phase synthesis is characterized by high purity, excellent crystallinity, as well as a relatively straightforward process. The method does require high temperatures, and it uses a lot of carbon and sulfur powders, which can be harmful to the environment.

3. Solventothermal Method

The solvothermal process is a method that has been developed to prepare zinc sulfide. The method is to dissolve zinc salts and sulfur salts in organic solvents under high pressure and temperature. This produces zinc sulfide by hydrothermal reactions.

Preparation Solution: Dissolve an appropriate amount of zinc salt and sulfur in organic solvent.

High temperature and pressure reaction: The solution above will be placed in a high temperature and pressure reactor. Under these conditions, the hydrothermal reactions will produce zinc sulfide.

Collection: The zinc-sulfide generated powder is collected, and treated accordingly.

The solvothermal technique has many benefits, including a high purity product, good crystallinity and a relatively straightforward process. The method is also capable of using different organic solvants and reaction conditions in order to regulate product properties. The method is not without its limitations. It requires high-temperature, pressure equipment. And the recovery and disposal process of organic solvants require certain costs and technologies.

It is important to consider the advantages and limitations of different methods of production of zinc sulfide, and to select the appropriate methods according to actual conditions and needs. During the production, it is important to take into account environmental protection and safety. Adopting appropriate environmental protection technologies and measures will help reduce the harm caused to the environment and humans.

Prospect Markets of Zinc Sulfide ()

1. phosphor market prospects

Zinc sulfur is widely used to manufacture phosphor. Phosphor can absorb light while emitting different colors. It is used widely in the display, lighting, photovoltaic, and other fields. With the development of science, phosphors’ application fields are expanding. Zinc sulfide has become an important material for phosphors, and the market is growing.

2. Photoelectric conversion materials: market outlook

Zinc sulfur is also widely used for the production of photoelectric materials. Photoelectric materials convert light energy to electricity. Solar cells is the most common use. The demand for solar panels is increasing as renewable energy becomes more important. The cost of photoelectric converter materials has also been steadily decreasing, as technology continues to improve.

3. Market prospects for drug manufacturing

Zinc Sulfide has also been used in pharmaceutical production. The pharmaceutical industry is a massive market. As people become more health-conscious, the demand for drugs increases. Zinc Sulfide can be used for antimalarial drug production and has a biological activity.

4. Prospects for the manufacturing of catalysts

Zinc sulfur is used for some catalyst production. Catalysts are substances that accelerate chemical reaction and have a variety of applications, including in the fields of environmental protection, pharmaceuticals, and chemical industries. As technology continues to develop, so do the demands for catalytic performance and selectivity. This provides more opportunities for using zinc sulfide as a catalyst.

5. The optical device market is expected to grow at a rapid rate.

Zinc sulfur is also widely employed in the manufacture of optical devices. The optical device has multiple applications, including communication, imaging and optical storage. It can modulate and transmit the light. As technology continues to develop, performance requirements for optical products are increasing. This provides more opportunities for zinc sulfide to be used in optical device production.

Zinc Sulfide Price :

Many factors influence the price of a product, such as the economic activity in the industry, the demand and supply on the market.

You can contact us for a quotation if you want to know the current price of zinc sulfide.

Zinc Sulfide Powder Supplier :

Technology Co. Ltd., () is an experienced global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with over 12 years’ experience. They provide super-high-quality chemicals, such as silicon powder, nitride-powder, graphite-powder, zinc-sulfide-powder, boron-powder, 3D-printing powders, etc.

Contact us and submit an inquiry if you want to buy high-quality zinc sulfur powder.