What is Spherical Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 Powder?


Mar 26, 2023 ,

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Introduction toSpherical Al Oxide Powder
Aluminum oxide Oder bauxite Al2O3 is a white powder that is insoluble and refractory. The melting point is 2015 and the boiling point 2980. The relative density is 4.0. Mohs hardness of 8.8. There are two main types of crystal, namely a- and g. Aluminum oxide is made by heating aluminum hydroxide and drying it. Aluminum oxide is found in nature. This aluminum oxide is known as corundum. A small amount of impurities can create corundum with different colors. Artificial gems can be used in industrial technology and are comparable to natural gems in terms their properties. Bearings are used for fast moving parts, like diamonds on clocks and watches. Abrasives, refractories, and such things as corundumcrucible can also be used. They can withstand temperatures as high as 1800 F. Aluminum oxide is one main component of the earth’s crust. Aluminum oxide is the main raw material needed to make aluminum. Aluminum oxide is easily oxidized by oxygen to produce aluminum oxide. Aluminum products placed into the air can form a thin protective layer of aluminum oxide that protects the aluminum inside. Aluminum oxide is an amphoteric ore, and can dissolve in both acid as well as base. Aluminum products aren’t resistant to acid and alkali. Contact with acid or alkali will cause the outer oxide layer to be destroyed. Activated aluminiu oxide is porous and can adsorb many substances. This makes it a popular choice for catalysts, desiccants, and adsorbents.

Physical Properties of Spherical Al Oxide Powder
The particle size aluminum oxide Powder is uniformly distributed. It has high purity and excellent dispersion. It is a powder with a large specific area. It also has high temperature resistance and inertia. It is Porous. It has high hardness and good dimensional stability. It is often used in the production of catalysts, catalyst carriers, and other new green chemical substances. It can be used to strengthen and toughen many types of plastics. Excellent dispersion, insolvent waters; Solvent alcohol, propylalcool, propylenegl, isopropyl al, ethylene glycol monobutylether, acetone and benzene.
The particle size of aluminum oxide powder can be changed to the nanometer level This material can not only retain the exceptional characteristics of regular aluminum oxide powder, but also exhibits the optical, electrical and magnetic properties, as well as the mechanical properties, that traditional materials don’t have. Nano aluminum oxide is a novel functional material and is widely used in many fields, such as optics and special ceramics.
Spherical Aluminum Oxide Powder
Other Names aluminum oxide, aluminum (III) oxide, aluminum trioxide, Al2O3 powder
CAS No. 1344-28-1
Formula compound Al2O3
Molecular Weight 101.96
Appearance white powder
Melting Point 2072degC
Boiling Point 2977 degC
Density 3.95g/cm3
Solubility of H2O N/A
Exact Mass 101.948
Spherical Al2O3 Powder CAS1344-28-1

Spherical Aluminum Oxide Powder Applications
1. Aluminum oxide is the main ingredient in making aluminum. Aluminum oxide is used primarily to make aluminum.
2. Aluminum oxide is the primary raw material for the electrolytic method to metal aluminum. The purer aluminum smelting process, the better. Aluminum oxide is easier to purify than aluminum dioxide. Aluminum oxide is one main component of the earth’s crust. This includes aluminum clay H2Al(SiO4)*H2O), and alingite (AlO2SO4*9H2O). The best raw material for producing aluminum oxide is natural biauxite. Its content can be as high as 40% to 60%. The rest of the materials are mainly silicon dioxide and iron oxide. You can separate aluminum oxide from the other impurities by using their chemical properties. The main purification methods are the acid method and the alkali method. Activated aluminiu oxide g aluminum dioxide, a porous metal, can have a surface area of hundreds of meters. It has high activity and can adsorb water, vapor, and many other molecules. This material is often used as an agent, catalyst carrier and desiccant.
3. Artificial aluminum dioxide fiber is an aluminum oxide main component. It contains approximately 5% silicon dioxide to stabilize the crystal phases of aluminum oxide. It is widely used in iron and steel industries in heat treatment furnaces and petrochemical cracking oven insulation linings, nuclear reactors and light alloy reinforcement material. Aluminum oxide fiber is a polycrystalline aluminum dioxide fiber. This fiber is made using the impregnation (colloid) method of making organic fiber. Its structure is microcrystalline, which eliminates recrystallization problems in fiber made with the melt-blown process. This fiber exhibits great strength at both high and low temperatures, as well as high resistance to high temperatures, low bulk density, strong insulation, strong dielectric, sound absorption, and good chemical stability.

Main supplier of Spherical Al Oxide Powder
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemicals and nanomaterials. They have over 12 years experience in producing super-high-quality chemicals, such as silicon powder.
High-quality products are what you want Powder of spherical aluminium oxide Please feel free and contact us to send an inquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)