The Boiling Point of KBr


Apr 18, 2023

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The boiling point of kbr is the temperature at which a solution of kbr will start to boil. This is a useful property because it means that the solution will be hot enough to dissolve solids.

When a solid is dissolved in water, the ions are dissociated into their constituent cations (K+ and Br-) by molecules of water that surround the ionic compound. This is due to a dipole-dipole interaction and London dispersion force that is present in polar solvents.

Potassium bromide is a white or colourless crystalline solid with a pungent bitter and saline taste, slightly hygroscopic, soluble in water and in ethanol, slightly soluble in ether, and slightly soluble in glycerol; cubic, r.d. 2.75; m.p. 734degC; b.p. 1435degC

KBr is not in generally strongly reactive; it may react with nitrous ether spirit, many alkaloidal salts and starch. It may also react with concentrated sulfuric acid to form hydrogen bromide fumes.

It is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, acids and bromine trifluoride. It is also not a good reducing agent, and it may react with nitric acid to produce nitric oxide gas.

It has a low refractive index and is transparent in a range from near ultraviolet to long wave infrared with nearly no absorption. It is used in optics because of its high spectral transparency and is often employed as an optical window or as a prism material in infrared spectroscopy. It has been used as a source of bromine ions in double displacement reactions or in salt metathesis reactions to make nanosheets.