New discovery of the Gallium nitride material’s advantage


Aug 19, 2023

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Gallium nitride is a semiconductor that belongs to the large bandgap category.Gallium nitride can be used to make microwave power transistors. It is used in the development of optoelectronics and microelectronics. It has similar performance, strong resistance against radiation, direct band gap, atom, and high thermal conductivity.
When used and stored as specified, the product will not decompose.
Avoid contact with oxidants, heat and moisture.
At 1050 deg. C, Gallium nitride starts to decompose: 2Gallium (s)= 2Ga(g)+N2(g). Gallium Nitride Crystals are classified as wurtzite wurtzite hexagonal systems by X-ray Diffraction.
Gallium Nitride is not decomposed by cold or heated water, concentrated or dilute hydrochloric acid (including nitric and sulfuric acids), or cold 40% HF. It is stable when cold concentrated alkali is used, and it becomes soluble with alkali on heating.
Gallium Nitride – Benefits
Global semiconductor research is currently at the forefront of the development of new materials, such as gallium nitride. The development of microelectronics, optoelectronics, and new semiconductor materials is what this project is all about. As a successor to Si, Ge is a semiconductor material that includes SiC and diamond. Semiconductor material, second generation GaAs, InP composite semiconductor materials, third generation semiconductor materials. It has a direct band-gap of a large size, atomic bonds that are strong, high thermal conduction, good chemical resistance (no acid can corrode it), and radiation resistance. It has a broad range of application possibilities for photoelectrical, high temperature and high power devices and high frequency microwave devices.
Gallium nitride has overcome a major setback for transistors
Imagine that silicon-based products are more expensive than devices made of gallium nitride. Cost-effectiveness is a strong argument. For example, when lower power losses, higher power densities, smaller footprints, and lower costs are needed, silicon can be replaced with Gallium nitride.
Gallium nitride Systems – a manufacturer of Gallium nitride – designed a low-current and high-capacity Gallium nitride Power Transistor for industrial and consumer applications. The cost was less than $1.00.
Efficient power conversion (EPC) has been promoting Gallium-nitride for the past 14 years. They claim that Gallium-nitride is going to replace silicon in semiconductors one day. But EPC’s claims have some validity. Since they are made in a similar way to silicon, gallium-nitride transistors or integrated circuits can be manufactured without excessive changes.
Gallium nitride substrates are also smaller and suitable for applications with low voltage (500V). Packaging costs will be reduced by 50% compared with silicon-based packages.
EPC Solutions was attracted to the solution because it is based on Gallium nitride and has better performance with lower manufacturing costs. Look at EPC’s solution that uses Gallium nitride for more efficient components.
(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a reputable global Gallium Nitride Powder supplier & Manufacturer with more than 12 years’ experience in the supply of super-high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. Currently, we have developed a number of materials. Our company’s Gallium nitride is high in purity, has fine particles and contains low impurities. To get the most recent price for Gallium nitride, please send us an e-mail or click the desired products to send an enquiry.