Introduction and preparation method of zinc oxide


Aug 25, 2023

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Zinc oxide powder Zinc oxide powder The chemical formula for zinc oxide is ZnO. Water is not soluble, but it dissolves in acid and strong alkalis. Zinc dioxide powder is an additive widely used by chemical manufacturers. It can be found in plastics and silicate products as well as synthetic rubber, lubricants paints ointments adhesives food, batteries flame retardants. The zinc oxide powder is transparent, has a high energy band gap, possesses a high exciton-binding energy, and emits light at room temperature. It’s used in liquid-crystal displays, thin film transistors, light emitting diodes and other semiconductor products. As a nanomaterial, micro-particles of zinc oxide have also started to play a significant role in related fields.
Zinc oxide powder – Physical Properties
Appearance: white powder, hexagonal crystals. It is odorless, tastesless and non-sandy. When heated up to 1800 degrees Celsius, the substance turns white and then yellow. The concealing ability is about half of that of zinc sulfide or titanium dioxide. The tinting strength of basic lead is two times that of titanium dioxide.
Solubility : soluble with acid, concentrated alkali, ammonia, and ammonium-salt solution. Insoluble with water and ethanol.
Zinc oxide powder chemical properties
Zinc oxide powder This white pigment is commonly called zinc white. Its main advantage is that ZnS, which is also white, does not turn black when exposed to H2S. ZnO changes gradually from white to light to lemon yellow when heated. As it cools down, the yellow disappears. It can be added to paints or thermometers to produce color-changing paints or thermometers. ZnO, which has an astringent quality and a certain bactericidal property, is commonly used as ointment. ZnO may also be used to create catalysts.

Preparation of Zinc Oxide Powder
1. Direct method
1. You can get it by calcining Zinc Carbonate. ZnCO3=ZnO+CO2|
2. The zinc hydroxide is calcined and decomposed to obtain the metal.
3. Zinc is made by melting zinc oxide at high temperatures and then oxidizing it.
4. This is obtained by oxidizing molten zinc.
5. Methods include indirect (also called French method) utilizing zinc ingots, direct (also known American method) utilizing zinc ore and wet (also known as American method).
2. The indirect method.
Reaction equation: 2Zn+O2=2ZnO
Operation: The zinc oxide produced after cooling is collected using a cloth bag.
Direct method Reaction equation:
ZnO+CO=Zn (steam)+CO2
Zn (steam)+CO+O2=ZnO+CO2
Operation Method: In a proportion of 1:0.5 to 0.05, the roasted zinc powder (or zinc containing material), coke (or anthracite) and limestone are rolled into balls. After reduction at 1300degC and smelting, the zinc ore powder in the ore has been reduced to zinc vapor. This zinc vapor is then oxidized and captured to produce a zinc oxide finished product.
3. Wet method
Zinc ash reacts with sulfuric to form zinc sulfate. This is then combined with ammonia and sodium carbonate to create zinc oxide. The reaction is described by the following equation:
The product is made from zinc carbonate. zinc oxide is obtained by washing and drying. ZnCO3-ZnO+CO2|
The zinc oxide product is made by washing, precipitation and drying the zinc hydroxide, followed by calcination, cooling and pulverization. Zn(OH)2-ZnO+H2O

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier & manufacturer has over 12 years experience in providing super-high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials. The Zinc oxide powder Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.