How Silicon Sulfide Is Produced


Jul 26, 2023

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silicon sulfide is a moderately water and acid soluble silicon source for uses compatible with sulfuric acid. It can be produced in the form of sulfate compounds, salts and esters. This product is available in a wide range of particle sizes, from fine to ultra-fine and is characterized by low density, excellent mechanical properties and good ductility, high specific surface area and a very stable structure.

In runs 1-4, the expected direct Reaction [2a] at the hottest zone did not occur, and the resulting amorphous SiS was carried by the gas flow to the lower temperature area where it decomposes and condenses as SiS (middle curve in Figure 17). It should be noted that the vaporization of the amorphous SiS may be facilitated by the presence of a small amount of carbon, which was introduced through thermal decomposition of the CS2 gas generated during the reaction.

In run 10, however, crystalline SiS2 was identified by XRD. Elemental mapping confirmed the purity of this deposit, which was found to be homogeneous with respect to Si and S. Only a small amount of C was present, probably from the carbon tape used for sample preparation. The yellow deposit downstream of the SiS2 deposition exhibited an XRD pattern consistent with amorphous S.