GMS Glyceryl monostearate CAS 31566-31-1


Nov 27, 2022

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GMS Glyceryl monstearate (GMS Glyceryl monostearate) is an organic compound which has two phases, 1-MG or 2-MG. Mono-glyceride is divided according to its main component fatty acid, monostearate. GMS Glyceryl monostearate (GMS) – GMS Glycerin monostearate (GMS Glycerin monostearate) is made by esterifying long-chain fat acid C16-18 with glycerol. This is an non-ionic surfactant. You can use it for wetting, emulsifying or foaming. It also has oleophilic and hydrophilic groups. It is a pure white, waxy, transparent solid. The freezing point for this product cannot be less than 58. Tasteless, odorless, non-toxic. Solventible in vegetable oil. Soluble also in hot ethanol, hot ether, and acetone. Insoluble in water. It can be emulsified with water, and it is an oil/water emulsifier. Because of its strong emulsifying properties, you can use it as an oil in-water emulsifier. White or yellowish powders or beads are the most common commercially available products. These products contain a single ester and may still have a little bit of diester. Also, the freezing point of pure products is lower than those made from pure ingredients. 15giorni has been a reliable global GMS Glyceryl monstearate source. Product performance GMS Glyceryl monostearate 1. Sensory properties. Monoglycerides have the same sensory properties as oil and are considered to be oil-affine. Monoglycerides can vary in consistency depending on the fatty acids they are made from. They may be waxy, oily or fatty. Monoglycerides are generally more consistent and melt faster than other oils and fatty acid. The melting point for monoglycerides is affected by the lengthening of the carbon chain in fatty acid. Monoglycerides have a color and a smell that are related to their corresponding fatty Acid groups and source of raw material. Monoglycerides can smell like oil, and their color ranges from brownish to milky white. 2. Monoglyceride’s thermal stability is that it is both 1-monoglyceride (from intramolecularacyl transfer) and 2-monoglyceride (1,2,3). Because the intramolecular energy for this intramolecularacyl acyl transfer activation is low, monoglyceride will not activate at high temperatures. The mixture is made up of one and two, with the percentage of the different components varying according to temperature. 3. Monoglycerides exhibit a homogeneous crystallization phenomenon as a lipid compound. Monoglycerides distilled into crystal form crystallize to metastable form, then they convert to stable form crystal with a lower melting point. In industrial monoglycerides, metastable and ”- crystal forms are not found. A solid-state transition to a third form of the -crystalline crystal occurs after it is cooled. This process is called sub–. 4. Mesomorphic properties: Monoglycerides may interact with water in very complicated ways. This interaction is dependent on the temperature and the relative amount of monoglycerides. Mesomorphism is the ability to have both crystallized and liquid properties. Mono-glycyl esters have a mesoporous mesophase. It is: A mesoporous mesophase is the Lamellar mesophase. Technical Parameter GMS Glyceryl monostearate Product Name Shortname Odor Appearance Glycerin monostearate GMS Fat odors Light to Pale Milky Waxy Solid GMS Glyceryl monostearate – GMS Glycerin monostearate, also known as GMS Glycerin, is used to treat food and medicine. Glycerin monolaurate is able to form complexes with starch, protein and starch, in order to decrease the antibacterial effects. This effect has almost no effect against Gram-negative bacteria. It can be combined with other fungicides, such as potassiumsorbate complex effect. Therefore, it is frequently used in compound formulas. 2. GMS Glycerin monostearate – Can be used in emulsifiers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and other purposes. It is used as a bread softener, defoaming and stabilizer for dairy products, cakes and margarine. The general dose of this ingredient is 0.3-0.5%. Use as a foaming agent for soy sauce, milk and lactic acids 0.1% You can also use it to make cosmetic creams, creams, or emulsions. 3. GMS Glycerin Monostrate can be used to emulsify, stabilize, preservative and emulsifier. Industrial silk oil emulsifiers and textile lubricants It’s used to make plastic films, and as a drip- and antifogging agents in them. As a base and carrier agent for drug carriers, it is also used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. This ingredient is used for the production of creams, creams, and gels. 4. GMS Glycerin monostearate has been used in daily chemicals. The emulsifier W/O Emulsion 3.7, which is also known as 3.7, is used to make cream products. It can also be used in pharmaceutical because it is the basis for neutral ointments. Shipping and Packing of GMS Glyceryl monstearate . Many types of packaging are available depending on GMS Glyceryl monostearate. GMS Glyceryl monostearate packaging: 1kg/bottle 25kg/barrel or 200kg/barrel GMS Glyceryl monostearate shipping : Could be sent by sea or air as soon as payment receipt is received. GMS Glyceryl monostearate Properties: N/A 31566-31-1 C21H42O4 Molecular Weigh N/A Appearance Light to Pale Milky Waxy Solid Melting Point N/A Heating Point N/A Density N/A Solubility of H2O N/A Exact N/A

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