Boride Powder and its application


Jul 2, 2023

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What is Borides Powder? Boride Poudre The boron is combined with metals or non-metals. It can be represented as the general formula MmBn. This is generally a mesenchymal component and does follow the valence laws. Except for zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), bismuth (Bi).
Borides powder can be formed from other metals. These crystals are hard and have melting points. They are chemically inert and can not be dissolved with hot concentrated nitric. Directly combined with metals or reduced oxides, they are also available. They can be used as superconducting, abrasive and refractory materials.
Boron, a light metal, forms Borides Powder stable with transitional metals. The compounds with the highest melting points are formed from elements in groups IVA and VA or VIA. The structural characteristics of the boric atom determine the crystallographic structure of the boride. Borides Powder’s chemical stability gradually decreases as it moves from IVA towards VIA. Borides Powder TiB2, ZrB2, or HfB2 are the most stable.
Boride Powder crystal structure
Between boron atoms, a lattice of boron is formed. This lattice contains structural units that are single bonds, dual bonds, networks, or spatial frameworks. As the proportion of boron increases in the boride, the structure unit becomes more complex.
In general, the more complex a boron’s atomic structure, the lower the likelihood that it will be hydrolyzed. It is also less susceptible to oxidation, and has a higher resistance to nitridation.
In transition metal Borides Powder the chemical bond is between the metal and the boron. This electronic bond transforms the boron into a positively-charged ion.

Borides Powder: Preparation methods
Borides Powders are made primarily by melting refractory metals.
The direct reaction between metal and boron at high temperature is 1.
Reducing metal oxide and boric acid with carbon is
Aluminum (silicon, Magnesium) Thermal method. Aluminium or silicon, magnesium reduces the oxides to generate metals and boron.
MeO + B2O3 + AI (Si, Mg )—MeB+Al oxide
Reducing metal oxides by boron carburide and carbon
Reduce refractory metal oxides by using boron
Borides powder: nature and application
Boride has high conductivity as well as high melting points, hardness and stability. Boride also has a relatively high thermal resistance and conductivity. The oxidation resistance at high temperatures of boride metals is based upon group IVB. Boride has the highest oxidation resistance.
Borides Powder do not react with humid air and dilute hydrochloric acids, but they are soluble in Nitric Acid. Borides Powders are a mixture of metals and plastics. They have high conductivity as well as a positive coefficient of temperature resistance. Borides Powders Ti, Zr, Hf, and Zr have a better conductivity than the metals.
The creep resistance is excellent, and is especially important for gas engines and rockets. Boride can resist corrosion and heat shock, while also maintaining strength. Borides Powder, carbides and Nitrides can be combined to form cermets that are suitable for manufacturing rocket structural components.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a trusted global chemical supplier & manufacturer has over 12 year’s experience in providing high-quality nanomaterials and chemicals. Borides Powder is produced by our company with high purity, fine particles and low impurity content. Please. Contact Us if necessary.