Boiled Point of Dichloromethane


Mar 7, 2023

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Boiled Point of Dichloromethane

The boiling point is the lowest temperature at which a compound can be vaporized or evaporated without losing its physical and chemical properties. This is important in understanding the thermodynamics of organic chemicals.

In the world of science and industry, it is a crucial property because most solvents must be able to evaporate at room temperature to avoid toxicity issues. This also applies to aerosol propellants.

Dichloromethane, or methylene chloride, has numerous industrial uses as a solvent and a propellant. However, it is a dangerous substance that can cause serious health problems in large amounts when exposed to the air.

DCM is an extremely volatile substance, and can be found in many paint strippers, hair sprays, and aerosols that use it as a propellant. Exposure to these products can result in dizziness, headaches, and nausea.

It is often used as a degreasing agent in printed circuit board manufacturing. This is because DCM is a non-flammable solvent that can vaporize easily and quickly.

When the copper foil surface of a printed circuit is covered with photoresist, DCM is used to remove the film from the substrate. It is also used to degrease the foil surface before it is exposed in a print.

It is a common solvent in the chemical industry for a variety of applications. It is especially useful in extraction of amine compounds. It can also be used for the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols using dipyridine-chromium oxide.