Barium Phosphide Chemical Formula


Apr 16, 2023 , ,

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barium phosphide chemical formula is represented as Ba3(PO4)2. The compound is an inorganic salt that has a distinctively high thermal coefficient. It is a very important component used in the glass industry.

Barium Phosphidechemical Formula:

The IUPAC name of the barium phosphate is – Ba3(PO4)2. It can be written as a tribasic form or as a diphosphate.
The barium phosphate chemical formula can be determined by combining a barium atom with a phosphorus atom in order to create a barium cation and a phosphorus anion.

During the formation of this compound, barium atoms will lose electrons in order to complete the valency of each phosphorus atom. Once the phosphate has completed its valency, it will then combine with another phosphorus atom to form a Ba2+ cation and an Ba3+ anion.

Some of the physical features that barium phosphate has include a high melting point, a high thermal expansion coefficient and a colorless compound. These properties make it a good candidate for glass manufacturing.

When mixed with water, barium phosphate can react with oxygen to form barium oxide and barium hydroxide. These compounds are used to create white paints and as a filler in paper and rubber products.

These compounds are also used as a contrast medium in X-ray examinations of the gastrointestinal tract and they can be toxic to people when swallowed or inhaled. The compound should be kept away from children.

Barium is a heavy metal that occurs naturally in the mineral barite (BaSO4). It is one of the alkaline-earth metals and is found in a small proportion of Earth’s crust. It is a relatively dense mineral that does not occur as a free element. It is also found in various minerals such as hematite and iron-rich witherite.