Canada found that silicon nanoparticles can increase the storage capacity of lithium batteries by 10 times


Aug 29, 2023

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There are abundant reserves of silicon. Si and Li can be combined to form a Li4.4Si, with a theoretical specific energy of 4200mAh/g. That is almost 10 times more than the lithium-ion that is absorbed by today’s lithium batteries. In the present day, silicon materials are used in lithium-ion cells mainly for two reasons. One way is to add nano-silicon to anode materials to form a carbon-silicon anode. To improve the performance, organosilicon compounds can be added to the electrolyte.
The University in Alberta created a new generation silicon-based lithium battery

Jillian Biriak and her team at the University of Alberta (Canada) discovered recently that forming the silicon into nano-sized particle helps it to resist breaking.
Nano-silicon can be defined as crystalline particles of silicon that have a diameter less than five nanometers. It is an important nonmetal amorphous substance. Nano silicon powder has high purity and uniformity, large surface area and high surface activity. It is also non-toxic and smellless. Nano-silicon can have a variety of uses: It can be mixed under high pressure with a diamond to produce silicon carbide-diamond materials that can be used for cutting tools. It can also be combined graphite to form silicon carbon composite materials. The negative electrode material in lithium-ion cells increases the battery’s capacity. This material can be combined with organic matter to create organic silicon polymer.

The team studied and tested four sizes of nanoparticles of silicon to determine which size would maximize its advantages while minimizing the disadvantages. They are evenly dispersed in a highly conductive graphene-carbon aerogel with nanopores that compensates for the low conductivity silicon.

After multiple cycles of charge and discharge, they found that particles as small as one part per meter showed the most stability. This eliminates the limitations of using silicon for lithium-ion cells. This discovery could result in batteries that have 10 times more capacity than the current lithium-ion battery. It’s a major step toward the manufacture of a next generation of lithium-ion-based batteries. The research findings were published in Materials Chemistry.

The lithium battery industry’s chain of importance for the silicon anode market worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars

This research can be applied in many fields, including electric vehicles. The batteries will become lighter, travel longer and charge faster. The next step will be to create a method that is faster and cheaper to produce silicon nanoparticles. This will make it easier for industrial production.

Other than new energy vehicles, the need for lithium-ion battery with higher energy and power density is also present in the areas of energy storage and ships. The positive electrode is now made from high nickel ternary material, while the negative electrode is made from silicon and its composite material.

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