Titanyl Phthalocyanine and Phthalocyanine Thin Film Optoelectronic Devices

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titanyl phthalocyanine is a non-toxic organic pigment that can be deposited with high uniformity by vacuum deposition. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope studies showed that highly ordered triclinic phase II (a-TiOPc) TiOPc films were formed by this method. A-TiOPc film morphology could be controlled by changing deposition rate and substrate temperature. This study shows that the crystal structure and morphology of TiOPc can be tailored to suit optical device applications.

Phthalocyanines are a large group of macrocyclic dyes with a broad spectrum of optical absorption bands. They have been used in a variety of applications and are of significant interest for their potential as organic solar cells and photodiodes.

The synthesis of phthalocyanines is carried out via the cyclotetramerization of various phthalic acid derivatives. The resulting polyphthalocyanine complexes exhibit a wide range of properties including optical, electrochemical, and biosensing characteristics. In particular, copper phthalocyanines exhibit strong blue luminescence and are commercially important in the imaging industry. Several halogenated and sulfonated derivatives of copper phthalocyanine have also been developed which are useful in the development of highly sensitive biosensors.

titanyl phthalocyanine (TiOPc) has been shown to have excellent air stability and is a promising candidate for transparent anodes in organic photodiodes and solar cells. The Ti-O polarity of the phthalocyanine molecular architecture offers additional degrees of freedom in tailoring its optoelectronic properties. In this article, we report the first-ever characterization of a nonplanar TiOPc film and a titanium(IV) phthalocyanine dichloride (TiCl2Pc) thin film, and show that their optoelectronic properties are enhanced by planar heterojunction formation with PEDOT:PSS polymer. The bandgap, photoluminescence, and activation energy values of these films suggest that they are suitable for use in next-generation organic photovoltaic devices.