Chloride Dihydrate – A Reagent For the Electron Microscope


Apr 5, 2023 , ,

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chloride dihydrate is a water-soluble ionic compound. It is commonly used in the laboratory to provide a source of calcium ions and to displace phosphate ions from solution.

This is a good reagent to have around if you are using an electron microscope in your lab! The chemical displacing power of this compound is often overlooked but can play an important role in your experiments.

Reagent grade products are manufactured to meet the highest quality and purity standards in the industry. They are available in a variety of granule sizes, submicron and nanopowder forms and can be packaged in custom configurations.

Copper chloride, also known as cupric chloride or cucl2, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CuCl2. The anhydrous form of this substance is pinkish brown but slowly absorbs moisture to convert into a Black-green dihydrate.

It is a natural mineral that occurs in fumaroles and copper mines. It is also a common ingredient in many chemical reactions, especially organic synthesis.

The chemical is a strong oxidizing agent, which makes it an excellent corrosion inhibitor in oil and gas wells. It is also a good solvent for acidic compounds.

As a reaction partner, copper chloride can be an efficient catalyst in organic synthesis. It catalyzes the free radical addition of acetonides to alkenes and promotes the hydrolysis of these acyl chlorides to give vinyl chloride and dichloroethane.

The Wacker process, a major industrial application for copper chloride, uses the chemical to co-catalyze the conversion of ethene (ethylene) to ethanal (acetaldehyde). It is used in the production of detergents, laundry marking inks, photographic film, glass, ceramics, and as a wood preservative, disinfectant and animal feed supplement.