The properties and applications of Iron Oxide Fe3O4


Apr 7, 2023

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What is Iron O2O4 ? Iron O3O4 , a kind inorganic substance, has the chemical formula Fe3O4, black crystals with magnetic, and is sometimes called magnetic iron oxide. It cannot be considered Fe(FeO2)2, or as a mixture between iron oxide FeO2O3, although it can be roughly referred to as a compound from ferrous oxide and Iron oxide (FeO *Fe2O3). The substance is not soluble in water, alkali solution or ethanol. Iron Oxide Fe3O4 from natural sources is insoluble when in acid solutions. However, it can be easily oxidized to Iron Oxide Fe3O4 (Fe2O3) in humid conditions. It is often used in the manufacture and polishing of polishes and audiotapes, as well as as as a pigment.

How is Iron Oxide, Fe3O4, Produced?
Schikorr reactions produce iron oxide Fe3O4. This reaction turns iron (II)hydroxide [Fe(OH]2) into iron oxide, (II and III) (Fe3O4). Anaerobic conditions cause ferrous hydroxide(Fe(OH),2) to oxidize in water and form magnetite, as well as molecular hydrogen. This process is described in Schikorr’s reaction.
3Fe(OH)2-Fe3O4 + H2 + 2H2O
What is Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 different?
Fe2O3 vs Fe3O4 are two different minerals. Fe2O3 is paramagnetic and has only Fe2+ oxidation while Fe3O4 a ferromagnetic metal with both Fe2++ and Fe3+.
What are some properties of Iron Oxide Fe3O4?
Fe3O4 is ferrromagnetic and has a Curie Temperature of 858K. The Verwey transition is a phase transition that occurs at 120K. This transition is where there is a discontinuity between the structure, conductivity, and magnetic properties. While many explanations have been suggested, the effect is not yet fully understood.
Although it has an electrical resistivity that is higher than iron (96.1% nOm), Fe3O4’s electrical resistance (0.3 mOm m) is much lower than Fe2O3’s (approx. kOm). This is due to electron exchange between FeII and FeIII centres in Fe3O4.
Iron Oxide, Fe3O4
Iron Oxide Fe3O4 is commonly known by the names iron oxide black, magnetite and black iron dioxide. It can be used for many purposes, such as:
Black pigments are also used, including Iron (II and III) oxide.
It is used in Haber processes as a catalyst.
It is used to produce the water-gas shifting reaction.
MRI scanning employs Fe3O4 Nanoparticles to contrast them.
It prevents the steel rusting.
It is an element in thermite and is used to cut steel.
It can also produce special coatings, high-grade magnetic separators and microwave absorption materials.