Introduction to Amorphous Boron Powder


Mar 25, 2023 ,

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What’s Amorphous Powder
Amorphous Boron Pulp is an odorless brown powder. This is due to the random order in which its boron atoms are bonded together. It is very hard and different from crystalline. According to the 1979 international standard, its atomic weight is 10.81. Its melting temperature is 2300 +-2 Fahrenheit:2550 . Specific gravity between 2.34 and 2.37
It is insoluble with water, hydrochloric Acid, ethanol, ether, but it can be dissolved in cold concentrated acid solution to decompose Hydrogen, which can also be used to oxidize hydrogen to boric acid using concentrated sulfuric acid or concentrated nitric acids.
Boron is a rare metal-non-metal combination in the periodic tables. It exhibits strong negative electricity, small atomic radius and concentrated nuclear charge. Stable at room temperature; can be heated to 300F and burned at 700F; tasteless and odorless; non-metallic characteristics similar to silicon. Boron can interact at high temperatures with oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur; can be combined directly with many metals to make boride.

What does Boron Powder be used for?

Amorphous Boron’s chemical properties are more active than those of crystalline Boron. Crystalline Boron is so hard that it’s often used in place of diamond for cutting tools and drilling. Amorphous Boron powder is an important source of energy. Amorphous boron powder is a solid fuel for composite solid propellants. It has a calorific worth that exceeds that of carbon, aluminum, and magnesium. Its volumetric calorific worth is nearly three times that that of hydrocarbon fuel and it has a density that is just slightly less than that of aluminium. Boron should be the most non-metallic source of energy. Amorphous boron’s ignition temperature is significantly lower due to its irregular shape, large specific surface area, and low melting point.
Amorphous Boron Powder material can be used in many ways, including but not limited to:
1.As a solid propellant for composite solid fuels with high calorific. (The calorific worth is nearly three times that of hydrocarbon fuels, almost twice as many as carbon, twice as much aluminum, and twice as much magnesium. Boron is the best nonmetallic fuel in terms of energy. Amorphous boron’s ignition temperature drops dramatically due to its irregular shape and large specific area.

2. To prevent metals’ oxidization at high temperatures

3.As part of an alloy to improve properties of metals.
You can use it as a compound, or as an additive to other alloys. It can be used as a compound or an addition to alloys. Boron and its components can be used to replace precious and rare metals and as catalysts in organic chemical reaction.
Lanthanum bore is used in over 20 military and high-tech industries, such as radars, electronic industry, instruments and medical devices.
Boride Ceramics is widely used in the areas metallurgy electronics medicine ceramics nuclear industry chemical industry. It has higher wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
Magnesium Dboride Powder,MgB2 superconductor is the most critical temperature. Its superconducting threshold temperature is 39K. -234 . Magnesium Diboride, a new superconductive material, opens up a new method to study a new type of high-temperature semiconductors.

price of amorphous Boron powder
Price is affected by many factors, including supply and demand in a market, industry trends and economic activity.
You can email us to request a quote for the latest Hydromorphous Boron powder price . (

Amorphous Boron powder supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. is a trusted global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years experience in manufacturing super high-quality chemicals, such as silicon powder.
Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for high quality Amorphousboron Powder. (