What is Alumina Nanoparticle used for?


Mar 6, 2023 ,

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The coating material for the lithium battery’s diaphragm is High purity micro alumina. This ceramic coating acts as heat resistance and insulation to protect the battery from being shorted by high temperatures and diaphragm melt.

Additional ingredients for lithium battery cathode materials:
Doped with lithium cobalt, lithium manganate, high-purity nanoalumina can increase thermal stability and cycle performance, prevent the formation of oxygen, the decomposition LiPF6 as well as reduce direct contact between LiCo02 (electrolyte) and LiCo02 to improve electrochemical specificity.

A porous material with high purity of g type nano-alumina has a surface area of many hundred of meters per gram. It also exhibits high activity and strong absorption capabilities. It’s a common adsorbent, catalyst, and carrier in petroleum refinery and the petrochemical sector.

Anti-caking Powder Coating:
Summer can be prevented by nano-alumina. The use of nanometer-sized aluminum trioxide in powder coatings is a good way to improve powder coatings’ fluffiness. It also has a strong anti-caking property. This powder coating is stable in extreme temperatures or high humidity environments.

Hardening and wear-resistant coating for rubber or plastics:
Nano-alumina can increase the durability and resistance to scratches of the coating by 2-50%. The paint can have a fine network structure that protects the polymer paint from scratching and wear. The scratch resistance of nanopaint is three times better than original paint. This paint is commonly used for automobile paints, such as the GM-Aluminum Trioxide. A nano-aluminum triooxide is able to significantly increase the coating’s hardness, with about 20% reaching 6-7H. It does not affect the transparency of coating.

ABS, glue, acrylic, paint, thermal conductivity:
One crystal Alumina thermal conductivity (30 nanometers alumina), high thermal conductivity, large-spherical filling. Surface treatment agents like coupling agents can be used to improve thermal conductivity. They are often used in order to improve compatibility with resin matrix fillers and other matrix materials.

High purity and uniform size of the nano-alumina particles make it a great choice for dispersion. If 10% alumina are added to sintered ceramics it can increase the forming pressure, which reduces the number pores and increases the density of ceramic blanks. It also improves the mechanical and density properties of sintered alumina ceramics and lowers the sintering temperatures.

The nano-alumina used in metallurgy is small in size with a high specific surface area.

These alumina particles have uniform sphericity and can be used for polishing. Polishing zinc is fast, bright, and without scratches.

Aluminum Oxide Price
Price is affected by many things, such as the demand and supply in the market and industry trends. Economic activity. Unexpected events.
Send us an enquiry if you want to know the current al2o3 price. (brad@ihpa.net)

Aluminum Oxide Supplier
Technology Co. Ltd. (), is a trustworthy al2o3 producer, and Al2o3 provider, with more than 12-years of experience. All of our products can be shipped worldwide.

Premium HTML2O3 powder available for purchase. Please contact us with any questions. (brad@ihpa.net)