“Water reduction” mechanism of polycarboxylic ether based superplasticizers


Mar 11, 2023 ,

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Today’s concrete superplasticizers These are created by compounding different materials like polycarboxylate water–reducing mother liquor and/or polycarboxylate shrink-preserving mother liquor with retarders, air-entraining agent and defoaming substances. It is the most important role for water-reducing mothers in superplasticizer. Although it is possible that the quantity of the mother solution may change with the changes in concrete, I’ve never seen water-reducing mothers added to superplasticizer. Perhaps because the sand quality is too high. The absolute main substance in water-reducing agent is water-reducing mom liquid. This is because it reduces concrete’s water-cement content (indirectly increases concrete strength), as well as ensure fluidity and concrete workability and concrete strength. The water-reducing mother liquid also makes it easier to work in the construction area.

As we know, cement is not only water-soluble in concrete; the other materials have a significant impact on superplasticizer admixture molecular interactions. Therefore the water reducer is mostly aimed at cement. First, we will discuss the cement hydration process.

Three stages are involved in the general portland cement hydration process:

(1) The Dissolution Stage: After cement has been in contact water for a while, its surface begins to hydrate. A small quantity of hydration product are produced, which can be immediately dissolved in water. Hydration can continue on the exposed surface until there is a saturated solution.
(2) Gelation stage. Because of the saturation of the solution the product can’t be dissolved and becomes colloidal particles. As the amount of hydration products increases, the cement aggregates and the cement solution gradually lose their plasticity.
(3) Crystallization stage. A colloid made of microscopic crystallines is not stable and can slowly recrystallize to become macroscopic crystals. So, the mechanical properties of the cement body are continuously increased and it eventually becomes a cement rock with certain mechanical strengths.

The main role for steric hindrance is played by the superplasticizers made of polycarboxylic acid ether and secondary roles are performed by electrostatic repulsion in the cement slurry. Complexation of calcium ions, hydration film lubrication play important roles. important role.

1. Steric hindrance:
Cement molecules are attracted to each other during cement’s hydration, which results in flocculation.
The flocculation structure will form when the cement molecules encapsulate some of the water molecules. It accounts for approximately 10% to 30% of the total mixture water. Since it is enclosed by cement molecules it can’t participate in free flow or lubrication of cement molecules. It will affect concrete mix fluidity. Once the concrete particles come into contact, the main chain in polycarboxylate concrete is negatively charged. concrete admixture Positively charged cement particles can attract molecules to their surfaces, a phenomenon known as “anchoring”. A long sidechain in the molecule can be extended in cement slurry in order to form an adhesive layer. The adsorption layer can have a thickness of one meter. Conformation. The cement particles moving towards each other will cause the adsorption layers to overlap. A larger overlapping area means that there is more repulsion among the cement particles. This improves the cement particle dispersibility. The cement particles must be destroyed from their flocculation. You can understand how cement flocculation causes water to escape. Water reducing molecules are able to increase the lubricating efficiency of water molecules and reduce the amount of water molecules in thin air.

2. Electrostatic repulsion theory:
The superplasticizer polycarboxylic acids COO2- is an anionic group in molecules. The cement particle’s surface contains positive charges (Ca2+) during early hydration. Anionic Polycarboxylic Acid superplasticizer molecules can adsorb these positively charged particles. You can make the cement particles into a hedgehog with a negative charge. It is possible to improve the dispersibility among cement particles by having them have the same negative charge. In the cement paste, both the negatively charged carboxyl group and the positively charged calcium are responsible for the formation of unstable complexes. Once the calcium is dissolved in cement, it becomes more concentrated, which reduces calcium ions. The formation of gel particles can be slowed down, the cement hydration process is inhibited, and the cement particle dispersion performances improved. A higher level of Polycarboxylic acids superplasticizers with carboxylateions, that is, a greater anion charge density, will lead to a better dispersion performance (acid-ether) for cement particles. Inhibiting the cement’s initial hydrolysis can be caused by a decrease in calcium ion levels. As the cement hydrates, it becomes more complex. The superplasticizer Polycarboxylic Acid has an effect that slows down but does not affect the concrete strength.

3. Lubrication
Hydrophilic group are present in the branched chains of polycarboxylic acid supraplasticizer molecule. They form a water film over the cement particles, by reacting with water molecules. This decreases their surface energy. The cement particles slip easily. Combining the two causes separation of cement particles. This concrete mixture is more fluid.

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