3pdm meter Copper Is Applied to the Latest Bacteriostatic Technology


Dec 26, 2022

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Humans are very fond of copper Copper is the most common metal which has been smelted from its ore. The reason is that copper has a lower melting value than iron. This was around 7000 years ago. It is the first known metal to be used by humans. Although its chemical characteristics aren’t as dull as iron, silver or platinum, they can still be found in dry air. Copper is actually derived from Latin Cuprum. This was where the Ancient Romans extracted most of their copper. All of us know copper to be a shiny amber metal. We use the term copper for jewelry and hair color.

The medical value of copper

Copper is an essential trace element. A normal human body has 50-120 mg of copper. Copper is an essential element in our bodies. It plays a key role in the creation of copper proteins as well as various enzymes. REDOX is also important in maintaining normal hematopoiesis. This helps to promote connective tissues formation, maintenance of central nervous system health and protect cells against the damage caused by ultra-oxygen anion. Copper deficiency causes symptoms similar to iron shortage anemia. A copper deficiency could also cause other issues, including reduced white blood cells and lightened hair, patches on the skin, immune system disorders, abnormalities in bone, and others. Perhaps the most concerning concern is the fact that when copper deficiency results in lower levels of lysyloxidase (which contains copper) and the synthesisof collagen and elasticin within the walls of blood vessel walls, this can cause the vessels to become hardened and fragile, making them susceptible to damage ).

The therapeutic effects of copper on the cardiovascular system can be attributed to it. 3pdm copper has been used as a medicine for years to supplement dietary therapy.

The Bacteriostatic Action of Copper

Some of the lesser-known benefits that copper has are listed below. Scientists have discovered that copper has the ability to eliminate infections. It and its alloys possess antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is believed that copper ions (charged particles), are released into the environment when microbes land or migrate to copper. They prevent cell respiration, puncture the cell membranes of bacteria and kill the viral cell shell. The continuous antibacterial activity of copper is maintained even through natural oxidation, repeated dry and wet wear. Copper is completely recyclable and safe for humans as well the environment. The use of copper ions in sterilization is common. There are some 3pdm -copper antibacterial products on the marketplace. A Chilean company also introduced N95 masks with 3pdm -copper in April.

The 3pdm Copper Application Prospect

3pdm scale copper particles, in addition to these applications, are widely used in high efficiency catalysts and microelectronics industries, metallurgy fields, high temperature ceramics manufacturing area, as well as high-efficiency catalytic converters. 3pdm copper’s characteristics, which include a large surface area, strong catalysis and high activity, will make it a popular choice in many other fields. Advanc3dmaterials (aka. Luoyang Tongrun 3pdm Technology Co. Ltd. (a global trusted supplier and manufacturer in chemical materials) has over 12 year’s experience in manufacturing high quality 3pdm materials. We produce high-purity, small particles and low impurity copper powder . We can help you if the price is lower.
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